Well, Paris Hilton took part in another video, but this time her video is rated “E” for educational. Hilton’s video on superstar comedian, Will Farrell’s Funny or Die Web site was a response to one of John McCain’s negative public relations stunts of comparing his rival, Barack Obama, to celebrities Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. McCain is taking the approach of bringing out the negativity in his counterpart, rather than focusing on the important facts; war, oil, economy, or the over so popular term “change.” McCain is reaching an all time low, spinning Obama’s image and comparing him to the queen of party girls. McCain are you getting a little worried?

When it come to politics, I know very little and I find it very hard to stayed entertained, but now that media outlets are printing headlines like “Will Paris Hilton’s Energy Plan Work,” how can I not be entertained or keep from laughing? McCain’s attempt to spin the media into thinking Obama is just another celebrity and unready to lead our nation totally backfired on him and in many cases due to the aid of mystery cue cards, Hilton sounds smarter than both presidential candidates by coming up with her own plan, which she calls a hybrid of both their plans to end our oil-energy crisis.

“We can do limited offshore drilling with strict environmental oversight, while creating tax incentives to get Detroit making hybrid and electric cars. That way, the offshore drilling carries us until the new technologies kick in, which will then create new jobs and energy independence. Energy crisis solved,” says Hilton.

Are there three presidential candidates now? Guys, put your tongues back in your mouth, I’m willing to say it’s impossible the first women president to be Paris Hilton. The only character missing from this breaking news video was Hilton’s dog hanging out of her purse, but her outfit was priceless.