Nicolas Sarkozy, the new president of France, was just elected and protesters have once again taken to the streets of Paris.  Thought of as a very conservative and pro-American candidate, many Frenchmen have turned to their heritage to remind themselves of their past struggles and to remind those who voted for Sarkozy of the principles their democracy was built upon.  The results of the elections have sparked riots across the country. 

In Paris, civilians have protested the new President in the location of the Bastille, implying the new president will be similar to Louis XVI, dividing the French and reminding them of the social and economical struggles of the past.

As an outspoken proponent of democracy, Sarkozy’s intended reforms do not reflect the beliefs of the people.  One of his new reforms calls for an addition of 35 hours to the work week as a step toward jumpstarting the economy.  Is it fair and necessary to implement such a drastic change? 

He also has proposed to make changes to rid the country of delinquency and thieves. 

The social fiber of the country does need to be addressed, but there is a widespread fear that Sarkozy’s methods will differ from his words and will pit the French against one another.  Sarkozy’s message of democracy has the potential to be lost in his actions of reform by force. 

Only time will tell about Sarkozy’s future, he must remember that France was built on a foundation of truth, equality, and the pursuit of happiness.  With his prospective plans for reform, this ideology will be imposed .  Sarkozy, in order to be successful and influential, must be able to resolve this issue and amend his changes to return to the values of French democracy because this change for the better in France can occur. — Betsy Glynn