AMA on Spin SucksBy Gini Dietrich

It’s December. It’s the end of the year. We essentially only have three weeks left to do any real work.

So, we thought, why not have a little fun this month? We’ve been very serious all year, what with months focused on crisis and internal communications and content and planning and more.

This month—starting tomorrow with the 12 Days of Christmas—we’re going to make you think a little bit, but make you laugh even more.

To that end, we thought we’d steal borrow an idea from Reddit and do an AMA: Ask Me Anything.

I’m a little nervous about this, but hey! I guess that’s the point.

AMA on Spin Sucks

Here is the copy Lindsay Bell wrote for the webinar registration page:

Admit it, you’ve always wanted to know Gini Dietrich’s shoe size.

Or, what her favorite recipe is.

How she ended up in Chicago, all the way from Salt Lake City, Utah.

Her beauty secrets!

And the back story on her Robert Downey, Jr., obsession.

Or, maybe you want to actually learn a thing or two about marketing and communications, digital and otherwise!!

What’s the deal with her obsession with analytics and math? How can you determine the ROI of PR? How should you handle a cranky client?

What does she think is the most important part of a strategy? How does she come up with all her incredible ideas? What’s the most important thing to consider when you’re building a team?

And, how can someone blog five days a week, week after week, without going insane?

So, are you itching to find out where Gini got her competitive streak? Why she cycles eight million miles a week? What’s the biggest mistake, professionally, that she’s ever made…?

Then consider this an early Christmas gift.

How the AMA Will Work

Because a lot of the questions will need some visuals to back up the answers (I mean, I have to show my shoe collection if someone asks!), we need your questions in advance.

I’m going to record this as a video on December 9 so all questions have to be in by midnight on December 8.

If you have a question for me, you can leave it in the comments here, or you can email, Tweet, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, or send carrier pigeon. Actually, if you send a carrier pigeon, you’re guaranteed to be featured in the webinar.

Then, at the end of the webinar, we’ll have a live Q&A so you can ask questions then, too. I actually anticipate some of you will save your questions for the live portion, to catch me off-guard and embarrass me.

Webinar Details

The webinar is Thursday, December 11, at noon ET (that’s 11 a.m. CT, 10 a.m. MT, and 9 a.m. PT, for those of you who can’t do time zones). I know that’s a long time from now and I usually write the webinar post the week of the event, but I wanted to give you plenty of time to get your questions in!

It is free and it’s a two-step process.

First, go to Spin Sucks Pro and click the blue “purchase” button at the bottom of the page.

Click “checkout.”

Either create a new account or login to your account.

Click “download purchase” and click the link on the confirmation page (you’ll also receive an email with this information).

Register for the webinar on that page and you’ll be good to go!

Get Your Questions In!

This could either be super fun or a total flop. I hope it’s the former, but we can’t do it without you.

So get your questions in. I promise, unless it’s totally inappropriate for work, I will answer your questions…even if it’s embarrassing.

If you want the question to be anonymous, just let me know and I won’t mention your name when I answer it.

Otherwise, be prepared to have your .0002 seconds of fame on December 11 at noon ET.

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in collaboration with USC Annenberg. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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