If you can believe it, I think spring is slowly making an appearance.
It’s supposed to be in the mid- to upper-40s in Chicago next week, which may as well be flip-flop weather after the two below it is right now (and weeks and weeks and weeks of this).
As Sean McGinnis put it on Facebook, “It’s snow melting weather!”
Though, I wonder what Boston is going to do when all that snow melts? I’m stressed about what’s going to happen to our basement, and we don’t have nearly as much snow as they do.
I read that they were trying to put some of the snow in the harbor, but I don’t think that’s going to cure the flooding.
While I ponder that, I’ll leave you with Gin and Topics.
This week’s videos are brought to you by Lindsay Bell (she does still love us!), Liz Reusswig, and yours truly.
5. Want to See Avengers? I have to say, I’m not super excited about lessening my chances of winning this by sharing it with you. But maybe you all can be convinced to donate $10 in my name and get me more chances! I mean, RDJ + Gini + Avengers = Blogging Gold. Do it for Spin Sucks!
4. New Geico Ad. I don’t know which is more funny: The dog being naughty (I HAVE A NAUGHTY DOG!) or the family only moving their eyes.
3. Wheel of Musical Impressions with Christina Aguilera. Oh my gosh! She is so freaking talented! I mean, really. Who can make “This Little Piggy” sound this good?
2. American Kids Try Breakfasts From Around the World. I love it when the kids try the coffee from Brazil. Those are future adults who will never touch coffee.
1. Bar Mitzvah Invitation. Well, this is it. If you have another party for any of your children after this, you’ve already lost. This kid’s bar mitzvah invite beats everything in the entire universe. When you get to the Blurred Lines section, I leave you with this: Teenaged girls do not have this kind of confidence. (I also wonder how much this cost; it’s professionally produced.)
Have a great weekend!