Blog written by Liz Pope

Often times, internal communications indicate how a business executes external or client communications. While a lot of businesses claim to provide top-notch customer relations, arguably, their inner workings don’t always reflect these values, creating what we refer to as “spin.” At Arment Dietrich, we are what we preach, as indicated by our core values of client service, entrepreneurial spirit, and driven results.

One example of how we embody these values in our staff as well as with our clients came from a recent survey that was administered to our team and clients. Upon receiving the results, we sat down and had a five-hour meeting to discuss how we can better communicate, function as a team, and provide the best work possible for our clients.

Here are a few examples of what we discussed in regards to customer communications that are transferable to internal communications:

While email is a pertinent communications skill, telephone and face-to-face conversations, not just with clients, but with the staff, allow for measurability, building trust, and clearing up any misunderstandings.

While some clients are extremely responsive, hands-on, and want to be apprised of and involved with our every move, other clients like to communicate on more of an as-needed basis. As a result, we have learned to adapt to the communications to cater to both types of customers. The same thing holds true with staff when it comes to communication styles. While some of us are talkers, others are deep thinkers. While we all take a part in the work, some are planners and researchers while others are executers.