Writing and producing knowledge can be difficult, especially if someone is doing it as a full-time job. People who earn their bread and butter by writing must go through the daily task of producing large quantities of words for whatever firm they write for.

Sometimes, you have to deal with a topic you don’t know enough about. Grasping such a topic and finding relevant information is a task any writer has to value. This is because it is one of the most important aspects of writing a well-researched article. Nowadays, writing is not just limited to articles. 

There are other types of it as well. For instance, people nowadays write YouTube scripts, product descriptions for their e-commerce websites, tech tips, etc. Therefore, many organizations opt to use various AI tools to facilitate their writers and make their jobs easier. 

If you’re still unsure of how AI can help you make writing easier, we have some tools for you to consider. 

How AI Tools Work in the Field of Writing

AI tools are software that assists people in providing a completely new perspective on addressing their writing queries. For those who are wondering how these tools work, we can say that they use complex and advanced algorithms to make intelligent decisions that seem human-like. These decisions include tasks like finding grammatical mistakes in a piece of writing written by a human.

Moreover, they can also be structural mistakes or things like detecting plagiarism in a certain written text. These tools use robust background codes that help them discover mistakes that even a normal human would have difficulty finding. 

Writing AI Tools

Let’s discuss some of the most popular AI writing tools:

Grammarly Editor 

One of the most basic and renowned AI writing tools is Grammarly. This software is more focused on improving and enhancing your written text.

One of the most unique features of the Grammarly editor is that it can also be installed as a plugin on your browser. This feature allows you to write on an online platform like Google Docs.

There is also a premium version of this app. This version lets you find the perfect tone and combination of words according to the motive of your writing. 


Squibler is a free story-writing app that uses AI to write some of the best stories. You can use this software to write fiction, non-fiction, short stories, or even a novel to give you a basic idea. The main selling point of Squibler is that it can help address queries specific to every user. 

Squibler has been known for creating the best and most distinct stories that every user can relate to when asking Squibler for help. Lastly, Squibler is very socially active when it comes to its users. We mean that many users can provide in-depth opinions on what they feel about the content generated by other users. 

Hemingway Editor

The Hemingway Editor can be thought of as more like the Grammarly editor we discussed before. This editor emphasizes eliminating complex sentences that can make your writing more complex. These complex sentences are the main things that your text compromises regarding clarity. Furthermore, it can also provide solutions to those complex sentences. 

This means that you can select complex sentences, and the suggestions from the Hemingway editor will show up on the rightmost side, making your text more optimized for readability. This software also provides the number of adverbs, words, and adjectives used in your sentence. 

This is helpful to keep these aspects optimized and not overuse them. Lastly, the most important aspect of Hemingway is that it shows the readability level. This essentially portrays the difficulties readers may face when reading your content. 

Using the Right Words

It is important to consider the tone in which you will write. This is because you wouldn’t write to the school principal aggressively and demandingly if you need a school leave application to be accepted. In the world of communication, what matters is how you say something more than what you say. 

For this very reason, AI writing tools mean a lot in today’s world of digital communication. These tools, like Grammarly and Hemingway, understand the writer’s tone and motive. After knowing these things, they can predict the writing style that would be most beneficial for making it effective for the reader. 

Creative Writing

Creative writing is all about finding creative ways to explain a topic at hand with an interesting story or perspective. Many writers can lack creative ways if this is something that is being demanded by their superiors at the office. So, these AI tools can also help you in that regard, as tools like Squibler are there to help people find creativity in the most boring topics as well.

Additionally, topics that require a lot of technical knowledge and brainstorming can also be helped by using AI tools. You can leave all the technical research part of your designated task to the AI tool. For executing, just give your tool a prompt upon which it can use to suggest relevant information to you. In this way, you can use this time to bolster other aspects of your projects further.

AI Tools Have Come a Long Way

Conclusively, we can say that these AI tools have been a great help for newbies, especially in this field.

However, there is a debate that these AI tools are in the initial stages. For this very reason, the pieces of text generated have sometimes been deemed as machine-written.

For now, we can say that these tools are certainly helping many people make their work look more professional. 

Sa Bal

Sa Bal is a content writer who specializes in tech topics such as electric vehicles, smart devices, and artificial intelligence. With nearly 10 years of experience, she knows how to craft engaging and informative content that educates and inspires her readers. When she is not writing, she enjoys gardening and breathing in the fresh morning air.

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