I was catching up on my Google reader and subscribed blogs and came across Jeff Bullas, a blogger in Sydney. His blog, JeffBullas.com, discusses ideas and tips for better Internet marketing, including using the social networks as part of your overall strategy.
The blog post that caught my eye, however, is one that has 30 tips for making your blog rock. As I started to comment, I realized I had 10 additional ideas, which I share with you here (but make sure you also read his blog post…then you’ll have 40 ideas).
1. Ask your readers what they want you to write about
2. Let your readers pimp their own blogs in your comments section
3. Ask questions
4. Create contests (which goes along with the poll/survey idea)
5. Install the SEO All In One pack on your WordPress blog
6. Use StumbleUpon and AllTop to increase your readership
7. Create content for Associated Content by republishing your blog posts there (it helps with readership and news outlets will republish your content on their sites)
8. Comment on other blogs and news articles to show your thinking/expertise, but also link people back to your blog
9. Make sure, when you use Twitter to promote your blog post, that you’re tweeting about it more than once a day
10. Subscribe to SmartBrief newsletters, RSS feeds, and Google alerts in order to find ideas for new content
What do you do to make your blogs rock?