The Dreaded S CurveBy Gini Dietrich

Nearly a year and a half ago now, I was in Austin for Counselors Academy and I met one Mr. Richard Binhammer.

The Richard Binhammer of Dell social media fame.

The Richard Binhammer who loves cowboy boots and hats.

The Richard Binhammer who co-hosts AllHat at SxSW every year.

The Richard Binhammer who is a celebrity in the social media world.

The Richard Binhammer who is corporate communications guy who grew up in the big agency world.

The Richard Binhammer who is dad to Soco.

The Richard Binhammer who is from Ottawa, Canada (and still has a slight accent when he says “about” and “out” – you’ll see).

Not only did I have the great opportunity to meet him, I was invited to his home for dinner.

And not only was I invited to his home for dinner, he made me a special meal because he knew I am vegetarian.

He’s that kind of guy, which is why I’m super excited to share him with you later this week.

The Dreaded S Curve

He is hosting our <free> webinar on Thursday, July 10, at noon ET to talk about innovation, disruption, adoption, and the dreaded S curve.

Here is what you can expect to learn from spending an hour with us:

  • The four groups of stakeholders you have to recognize in your communications;
  • The difference between marketing and communications within an organization’s stakeholders;
  • How key messages, media training, media relations, and media are disrupted;
  • The S curve of technology and where we are today;
  • The four things affecting disruption (hint: Measurement, media, our skill sets, and the visual web);
  • How the way we’ve always done things is completely flipped on its head;
  • Where we start (listening), how to understand the data we have available, how to understand the individual stakeholder, and how that expands our media relations programs today;
  • The 30+ skills we need to execute in areas where our clients and executives believe we need to go;
  • Why our approach to media relations is still wrong;
  • Why visual counts, but why we don’t have visual literacy…and what to do about it; and
  • The problems the visual language presents;

You’re going to learn a whole ton and  you have the added bonus of a conversation between he and I about how communications has changed in the past five years, how important integration is, what the visual web is doing to our brains, and more.

Plus, I don’t want to ruin the surprise, but the slides he uses are way awesome. Talk about knowing how to engage an audience you can’t see. Wow. Rob Biesenbach would be so proud.

The Webinar Details

The webinar is this Thursday, July 10, at noon ET (that’s 11 a.m. CT, 10 a.m. MT, and 9 a.m. PT, for those of you who can’t do time zones).

It is free and it’s a two-step process.

First, go to Spin Sucks Pro and click the blue “purchase” button at the bottom of the page.

Click “checkout.”

Either create a new account or login to your account.

Click “download purchase” and click the link on the confirmation page (you’ll also receive an email with this information).

Register for the webinar on that page and you’ll be good to go!

This step is very important. If you don’t register with ClickWebinar after you check out at Spin Sucks Pro, you won’t be able to enter the meeting on Thursday.

See you on Thursday!

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with USC Annenberg PRA. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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