If you’ve been around these parts for any amount of time (as in, longer than the last week), it’s likely you know we accidentally launched the PESO model.

And by “accidentally,” I mean there was no forethought or strategic plan to what might happen when people read Spin Sucks and found the pretty little graphic we had created.

It was created because my publisher said, “You know, it’d be nice to see this PESO model process of yours visually.”

So I hired a designer and had it beautifully created…and then we published the book.

Fast forward to today and let’s just say it’s been a journey!

First off, I had no idea (I mean, I literally didn’t even think about it) that it would resonate with so many people.

I also had no idea that, because you could find the image on the internet, people assumed they could take it and run with it…as if they’d created it.

And I’m not just talking about the intern at an agency who found it and said, “Let’s recreate this in our colors and put it on our website!”

I’m talking about massive organizations, big media outlets, and agencies that know better.

We joke that it could easily be someone’s full-time job to scour the internet and find organizations that have adapted the graphic and model as their own, with zero credit to us.

Laura Petrolino has gotten very good at sending stern, but effective emails.

(As an aside, you don’t want Laura to come after you. She is half Italian and she’s a bodybuilder. That’s just asking for trouble.)

Even though some days are incredibly frustrating, it’s taught us to, you know, have a plan around #allthethings.

Which Is Why…!

We are taking a different approach as we re-launch the PESO model.

For starters, the graphic itself is nearly seven years old. I mean, it still lists Google+ as a viable option for shared media. Holy moley.

As well, we’ve looked at the model and what we’ve learned about the process in the past seven years—and taken copious notes.

In our work with our agency clients, we’ve been able to hone and tweak the process so it’s far more sophisticated than executing only one or two media types.

It’s focused on results—the kinds executives want you to get (cough, $$$$, cough).

We’ve also found, in working with communicators in every sector and specialty, that while many of you want to implement the PESO model—and understand it’s crucial to the future of communications—you struggle to do so.

In some cases, it’s because your executives or clients only want media relations and, in others, it’s because you don’t have the expertise to implement other media types.

We can help get you over those hurdles!

PESO Model Learning Month

That’s why we’ve designated February as PESO model learning month.

On LinkedIn and on Medium, you’ll find PESO model tools, resources, and tips.

Instagram Collections has PESO model quick tips that you can find—and implement—quickly.

In the Spin Sucks community and on social media, I will be answering your most pressing PESO model questions on video (starting tomorrow…need to wash my hair first!).

And you can always visit us here on the blog, which will always have the most up-to-date information, latest trends, and case studies galore.

At the end of February, we culminate your month of learning with a new masterclass.

It is there that we’ll unveil the new graphic, which is more comprehensive and integrated than the first model (it’s also far prettier), and an updated process.

What You’ll Learn During Said Masterclass

(*Note: As of Feb 27, The PESO Model 2.0 Masterclass has already been conducted. If you missed it, don’t worry. You can click here to watch.)

On February 26 at 1:00 EST, you can join us for PESO Model 2.0: A New Masterclass for a New Decade.

It is there that you will learn how to implement the PESO model to achieve unparalleled communications results.

You’ll also learn:

  • According to last year’s Global Communications Study from USC Annenberg, marketing believes it will play a dominant role over communications in the next five years. To boot, SEO specialists are beginning to do media relations—and not well. Learn what we need to do, both as individuals and as an industry, to prevent that from happening.
  • Learn how the PESO model will help you evolve your communications planning, stay relevant, and measure your efforts to finally prove you are an investment, not an expense.
  • The communications industry continues to change almost faster than we can keep up. Learn how we can embrace the future, not fall behind, and maintain a leadership position within our organizations (or that of our client’s).
  • Most executives rank earned media as the most valuable media type—but they also want us to prove it generates cold, hard cash. Learn how to build a PESO model program focused on results.

We’ll also answer any and all of your questions (within reason and assuming they’re safe for work).

And yes, if you can’t attend live, there will be a recording.

The PESO Model 2.0 Masterclass Deets

Here is everything you need to know to register for the webinar:

  • Wednesday, February 26
  • 1:00 EST (that’s 12:00 CST, 11:00 MST, and 10:00 PST)
  • Register here

Even if you can’t attend live, please do register so we know to send you the recording.

We’re not going to send it to all subscribers so please get your butt over there and register!

And! If you have questions you want us to be sure to answer (either during the masterclass or on one of the weekly videos), the comments are yours.

Consider it your firehose PESO model learning.

Here we go!

Watch PESO Model 2.0 Masterclass Now

Photo by Aleksander Vlad on Unsplash

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with USC Annenberg PRA. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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