Answers for Modern CommunicatorsThey say to work in PR you need to be curious, to ask questions, and never stop learning.

How do these fit in the fast-paced world we live in?

There is so much to learn, so much to keep up with.

How do you stay prepared and sane in a 24/7 society?

While the answer might be simple, it’s not easy.

Modern communicators need to have professional development on their daily to-do list, no excuses.

With technology advancing so rapidly, whether it’s artificial intelligence, blockchain, or chatbots replacing customer service, you need to stay ahead of trends.

A modern communicators days are filled with challenges and tough choices that weren’t around a decade ago.

On top of this comes expectations from shareholders, bosses, and consumers.

Curiosity Never Goes Out of Style

Modern communicators must sharpen their skills and learn how to communicate effectively in this new business environment.

One of the best and fastest ways to do this and learn new things is to ask questions.

Curiosity is a trait which never goes out of style, to cite Taylor Swift.

To help modern communicators be at their best every single time, the October edition of #PRStudChat featured a very special guest.

This October, Deirdre Breakenridge joined #PRStudChat as a guest of honor to talk about her latest book, Answers for Modern Communicators.

She discussed it helps both new and seasoned communication pros thrive in their careers.

Modern Communicators Need Answers to Complex Questions

What if you could find the answers you need in only one place?

What if, every time you had to deal with a tough situation, there was a place where you could find support?

How about being able to easily find answers to your most pressing questions?

Answers for Modern Communicators aims to be an encyclopedia for the modern PR pro.

Today’s communicator has opportunities to learn everywhere: through podcasts, online courses, online communities, social media communities, blogs, books, webinars, etc.

Wherever you look, there is an opportunity to learn.

But finding answers to specific situations can be hard, especially if you have a short window of time.

Questions about PR ethics, how to measure the ROI of your work, and skills a PR person needs today, are some of the most frequent questions PR pros ask.

Having a place to find the answers you need quickly, not only makes your life easier but also gives you peace of mind and takes the pressure off your shoulders.

Answers for Modern Communicators covers tougher questions, the not-so-easy-to-answer questions.

Questions such as how to handle conflicting messages from your bosses, how to deal with rejection, how to identify unethical situations, and how to move on and learn from mistakes are also addressed.

When you’re starting out it’s easy to make mistakes, especially if you don’t have someone more experienced to guide you.

Mentoring in PR

That’s why mentoring and reverse mentoring is so important for any PR professional.

Today, the ability to mentor and be mentored grows exponentially with the help of social media.

Mentoring is at the heart of public relations; modern communicators are mentors by nature. — Deirdre Breakenridge

For those thinking it’s hard to find a mentor, let me add that mentoring doesn’t have to be formal.

It can take any form or shape, from a colleague who shares knowledge with you to a boss who guides you along the way, to reaching out through social media to professionals you admire.

There is less about the form and more about having a growth mindset.

It’s about wanting to learn and become better every day, to become successful in your career.

This is why paying it forward is important at any stage of your career in PR.

Whether you support industry associations, teach online courses, share advice and offer your help, make it your mission to pay it forward.

That’s how we can all help move the industry forward.

Words Matter

Learning by itself can be overwhelming, especially when you’re just starting out in PR.

Deirdre Breakenridge recommends listening carefully to make sure you understand the question and the situation.

Gather your intelligence before answering and don’t make snap judgments in an age of social conversations. Words matter!

Always ask if your communication benefits all parties involved. Keep ethics top of mind.

The key to success is always to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and have empathy.

Next Month’s #PRStudChat

In the November edition of #PRStudChat, we will continue the conversation on how to build a successful career in PR.

Along with guest of honor and co-host, Stephen Waddington, we will cover specific steps new and seasoned PR professionals can take to move their career forward in 2018.

Join us in November for another edition full of learning.

If you want to catch up on October #PRStudChat, we put together this summary for you.

Corina Manea

Corina Manea is the chief community officer at Arment Dietrich, an integrated marketing communications firm. She works directly with Spin Sucks students and writes for the award-winning PR blog. She also is the founder of NutsPR. Join the Spin Sucks  community!

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