The AMA Episode of the Spin Sucks PodcastThis week’s Spin Sucks podcast (are you a subscriber yet?) was a…well…fun (?) one.

It was an AMA (ask me anything) and, while we have a crazy engaged community that is always up for something fun, I’m always afraid we’ll end up on empty with this stuff.

But you all proved me wrong and an AMA we did.

Today I’m going to give you a sneak peak into what the questions were—but not my answers.

(Both because I answered them off-the-cuff and don’t have them written down somewhere—and to entice you to download and listen.)

So here we go…

Blog Metrics and Business Goals

Kimberly Crossland asked:

What are the top analytics you’re tracking these days to measure the impact of a blog on business goals?

I love this question because making money from your blog is not easy to do.

But we’ve definitely found a way to do it—both for Spin Sucks and for our clients.

I won’t give away the answer, but think vanity and data-driven metrics.

Target Audience Research

While we’re talking about blogging, let’s cover a question from Majlin Erica:

I work a lot with startups so a lot of my work is done from scratch. What is the best way/ resource to find out which channels are the most appropriate/commonly used by your target audience? I’ve used things such as census reports, but am wondering if there’s a more accurate, specific, or easier way.

This is really important to determine at the beginning of any communications plan, because if you’re not where your audience is… you’re kind of wasting your time.

It’s one of the most important things you can do. And, it can change from time-to-time.

So I give you a few ideas on how to keep on top of where your audience is hanging out.

Business Growth and Numbers

Being able to track and measure what is and isn’t working are critical.

We all have limited resources and we need to make the best use of them.

Greg Brooks asks:

I’d love to hear a bit about how Spin Sucks is going as a business.

The short answer is: AWESOME!

We are crushing it this year and, in the words of our CFO, it’s the first time in a long time I’ve been happy and reenergized.

I don’t go into specific financial details, but I do share a general idea of what we’re doing, how it all relates to business growth, and more.

To continue on the same path, Shane Carpenter asks:

What is one thing you would advise all marketing communication professionals to always do?

My answer goes to how we know what’s working (and what’s not) in all aspects of the business.

When to Hire Contractors

Then we got into contractors.

Maureen Jann asks:

Do you have systems for paying your contractors? Meaning, do you pay your contractors standard rates? And what types of tools do you pay them with?

The short answers are yes, yes, and wire transfer.

Of course, the answer I give in the podcast is longer—and I mention some of the ways we make it work, including who to work with, how to communicate, and how to get the work done—and done well.

This also goes along the same lines of something Howie Goldfarb asked, which was:

How are you able to show ROI for customers doing influence marketing and content marketing programs?

This can be one of the more difficult things to demonstrate because content AND influencer marketing are both long-term strategies.

There aren’t always fast, easy to measure results.

But, as long as you have patience and an eye on the end game, there are some ways to make this all work—and make money while you’re at it.

The Spin Sucks Podcast Lightning Round

Those were the heady, smart questions.

We ended the Spin Sucks podcast with a lightning round that I was challenged to do in 90 seconds or less:

  • Do you ever think “stuff this, I’m off to join the circus?” If you did join the circus, what would be your thing?
  • What are the biggest lessons you have learned from your clients?
  • What your single biggest consistent (rather than one-off) struggle, day-to-day?

Did I do it in less than 90 seconds? Guess you’ll have to listen to see!

(Just click on this link, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the player of your choice. It’ll take you where you need to be. That, or you can listen below!)

I was super nervous about doing the episode, but it was tons of fun!

Thank you to everyone who submitted questions!

We didn’t get to all of the questions so I think I shall answer them in a forthcoming article.

And now I ask you…shall we do an AMA on the Spin Sucks podcast again?

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with Syracuse University. She has run and grown an agency for the past 15 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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