A recent article in the New York Times illustrates how neuromarketing will soon be a part of our everyday lives.
New studies show there is scientific evidence on how to manipulate the brain’s electrical frequencies when watching TV and, specifically, commercials. This is called neuromarketing.
The idea behind neuromarketing is that advertisers tap into our subconscious, causing deep responses to certain stimuli. (Not far off from subliminal messaging, in my opinion.)
The article explains, “Neuromarketing’s raison d’être derives from the fact that the brain expends only 2 percent of its energy on conscious activity, with the rest devoted largely to unconscious processing. Thus, neuromarketers believe, traditional market research methods — such as consumer surveys and focus groups — are inherently inaccurate because the participants can never articulate the unconscious impressions that whet their appetites for certain products.”
Gini Dietrich wrote about the idea of neuromarketing around customer-focused organizations last month so I get that it’s happening. I mean, some of the world’s top brands are already involved in this kind of research (such as Google and Disney).
But personally, I don’t know how I feel about it. If my subconscious responds and wants me to go buy a certain type of shampoo, I must really want it then, right? Therefore, I would be happy with my purchase?
The concept is not going to get us to go out and empty our bank accounts on buying a boat, but it may persuade you to vote one way instead of the other. If we allow neuromarketing into our advertising efforts, is there a way to draw the line when it comes to more serious things such as politics? Or is it now up to us, as consumers, to truly educate ourselves? Will the idea of neuromarketing force us to be more intelligent or will it bring us to a zombie state-of-mind?
Is all fair in the neuromarketing war?