It’s officially been snowing on much of the Arment Dietrich staff for weeks.
American Thanksgiving is tomorrow.
The days are getting painfully short.
All this? It means the year 2015 is headed our way pretty quickly, whether we like it or not.
Social Media Predictions
And since we’re already spending so much time looking forward this month as we dug into the nitty gritty of planning, I thought, why not also take some time to make some social media predictions?
I can’t let this crystal ball (sure, I have one!) go to waste.
I might as well get those social media predictions done.
In 2015, I predict:
Someone Will Get Busted for Doing Something They Think is Private
Sexting? Probably.
Complaining about their job or their boss? Good chance.
Kids (of all ages) using social networks to share secrets that really aren’t so secret?
I predict we’ll see plenty more of these “but I thought it was private” moments in 2015.
A New Meme Will Backfire
Most recently, Bill Cosby’s team learned that a time when rape allegations are resurfacing and getting more media attention than ever is not really a great time to invite the public to meme you.
Before that, the NYPD faced its reputation with their #MyNYPD hashtag.
This will happen again in 2015.
Who will it be next?
A big brand like Coke, perhaps? Or another celebrity in trouble?
A Communications Firm Will Be Asked to Create “Something Viral”
This will happen.
You can count on it.
There will be a request for a “viral video.”
Maybe even a request for one of those #AlexFromTarget thingies.
Some Will Emulate the Popularity of the Ice Bucket Challenge and Fail
“I know, let’s do an iced tea challenge for frostbite victims!” (Click to Tweet)
“Great idea, Bob!”
**High five**
We Might Begin to Realize Social Media Can Drive Revenue
I know that there will be plenty of communications pros who will continue to chase vanity metrics.
But somewhere, a lightbulb will go on.
Someone will realize that if they plan well, social media can actually be used to support business objectives.
And if they’re really lucky, they may even be able to convince someone outside of their own department.
Someone Will Want to Buy Twitter Followers
If you’re the one they ask, what will you say?
Facebook Will Mess With its Algorithm
People will complain.
But they will continue to use Facebook every day.
Brands will complain.
A few will pull a Copyblogger.
The rest will continue to use Facebook every day.
There Will Be New Social Media Networks
Some of them will be a flash in the pan.
Some will be barely disguised approximations of existing popular networks.
A couple will be interesting for communications professionals.
Many, many more will not.
Those are my 2015 social media predictions. I want to hear yours!
P.S. Just a reminder that there will be no blog posts tomorrow or Friday.