You may already be reading Mitch Joel’s blog, Six Pixels of Separation, because, well, he’s kind of a big deal. You also may have already read Six Pixels of Separation, the book, because it was published before the entire world was publishing books (and it’s excellent). And you may already know about Mitch Joel because he runs, Twist Image, one of North America’s most successful marketing and communications firms. But the reason today’s #FollowFriday is Mitch Joel is because he has this love/hate relationship with one of my dear friends, Mark Schaefer, and it’s really fun to watch!

I read a lot of blogs (more than 1,000, to be pseudo exact) and I comment and read a lot of comments (when I say read, I really mean scan). And never before have I seen two people so viscerally react to one another, but in a very positive, engaging, and entertaining way.

You see, Mitch wrote about ghost blogging and how it doesn’t belong in the communication space. And Mark disagreed with him. So Mitch had Mark had his weekly podcast and so began my fascination with how the two of them could debate and disagree so professionally.

And then, this past weekend, Mitch wrote, Being a Twitter Snob is a Good Thing and Mark wrote Bringing Down the Twitter Snobs. While both posts are good and open your mind to new and interesting ideas, the real value is in the comments because they comment on each other’s posts and to each other’s communities. I recommend taking some time with both this weekend.

But the real point here is that Mitch writes some really provocative and interesting stuff. Love him or hate him, he’ll open your mind and make, no force, you to think about things differently. I read him religiously and sometimes disagree vehemently. But he certainly makes me think, always, and that’s what I love about him.

So follow Mitch on Twitter (though he likely won’t follow you back), subscribe to his blog, buy and read his book, and subscribe to his podcast.

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in collaboration with USC Annenberg. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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