By Yvette Pistorio
Oh Friday, we meet again. I love Friday because it means I get to sleep in past 5:30am for two straight days and get more reading done. It’s the little things (note from Gini: Apparently working with me makes everyone early birds!).
But I’m sad summer is coming to an end – although I have to say, I’m thoroughly enjoying the fall-like weather we’re having in Chicago. It means Chicago Bears, curling up with a good book on a hammock (I REALLY need to get one of those), all things pumpkin flavored, and apple picking!
At Arment Dietrich, we have a Get up and Move contest. It’s designed to get us away from our desks throughout the day and gain a minimum of 10,000 steps every day, which studies show lead to a more healthful lifestyle.
I won the contest in the second quarter (and the first, but who’s counting?).
Well technically Gini Dietrich won, but because she’s the shallow figurehead, she doesn’t get to compete. Because, let’s be serious, who can beat her especially in the summer with the miles she logs on that bike of hers?
That said, I think she’s setting me up to lose because my prize for winning second quarter was The Game of Thrones Song of Ice and Fire set (that’s five books if you were wondering)! As excited as I was to get it (I was literally jumping up and down!), I’m a little suspicious of her motive. I’m probably going to lose in third quarter because my nose will be in a book for the next few months.
Or I can go with, I’m giving everyone a chance to catch up since I’ve won twice in a row. Yeah, lets go with that.
Well as I read one of my many books, I’ll leave you with Gin and Topics.
This week’s videos are brought to you by Mattie Dietrich (she should really get an online presence because she’s mentioned here so frequently), Susan Cellura, my hilarious friend Angela Brandenburger, the aforementioned Gini, and yours truly.
5. Things You Loved about Being a Kid. If you want a glimpse into my childhood, just take a look here. All I have to say is MASH, Fresh Prince, and Easy Bake Oven.
4. The Treadmill Dance. I can barely walk on a flat surface without tripping over something. I’m extremely graceful and have the scars to prove it. This guy just amazes me. I was anxious the entire time I watched this.
3. Banana Potato Song. I’ve never seen Despicable Me, but I do love the small yellow-shaped creatures. Especially when they sing and…and well you’ll see what happens at the end.
2. Puppy Versus Air Conditioner. I couldn’t do this post without including an animal video. This one is near and dear to me because I took my sweet wheaten terrier Lola home almost a year ago and she can do some pretty crazy things. And yes, she has done this before…it’s probably why I died laughing.
1. Jennifer is a Party Pooper. Where a German tries to make sense of an American-ism: Party Pooper. I won’t say anymore, you’ll just have to watch to see what he thinks a party pooper is.
Have a great weekend!