How is it possible January is already finished?
I feel like the weeks are going by so quickly. I get up on Monday morning and I look up and it’s Friday afternoon.
Does that mean I’m getting old (don’t answer that!) or we’re just really busy and having so much fun time is flying?
Whatever the case, it’s already February and my birthday is in NINE DAYS (and Lindsay Bell’s is in 10 days and Martin Waxman’s is in 11 days). Mark your calendars!
In the meantime, I’m going to do a snow dance to see if Mother Nature will gift me enough to ski for a few days. If you’d like to give me a birthday present, I’d love for you to do a snow dance as well.
Or, you can just hang out here and watch some funny and inspiring videos to start your weekend off right.
1. Matt Damon Takes Over Jimmy Kimmel Show. For those of you who do not watch the show, for more than 10 years, Jimmy Kimmel has signed off every night by saying, “Our apologies to Matt Damon, we ran out of time.” So Matt Damon plot out his revenge and took over the show one night. The following video is my favorite clip from the night – of Kimmel’s ex-girlfriend Sarah Silverman – but the link up there ^^^^ has a ton of clips from the show.
2. Old Lady Hits Car. I can’t remember if I shared this one or not, but who cares? It makes me laugh every time I see it. Seriously, Christina Pappas and I send it back and forth to one another and laugh every, single time.
3. Dancing Kid at Pacers Game. This. Is. Hilarious. This kid has serious moves. Where did he get those hips?! I mean, really. He’s going to be all sorts of trouble in high school. Also, his dad looks really familiar to me. Anyone know who he is? Special thanks to Jessica Malnik for the find!
2. A Pep Talk from Kid President. This is great! It’s a pep talk from a little boy. He talks about Michael Jordan and Journey and Robert Frost. Not only will you be inspired to kick butt, you’ll fall in love.
1. Meaningful Micro-Engagements. I realize this isn’t a funny video, but I’m so proud of Jeannie Walters, my heart is bursting. Not only is she a fantastic speaker, this TEDx speech is full of so many great little nuggets (including Big Foot crying), you’ll be happy you spent the 12 minutes to watch.
And with that inspiration, I leave you with your weekend.