How about that short work week?
I think every week should be four days. Perhaps I’ll run for President on that platform. It wouldn’t matter which “side” I”m on, everyone would vote for me!
Am I right?
Then Secret Service would have to road bike with me and I would LOVE that.
This is sounding like a great idea.
While I ruminate about my 2016 campaign, I’ll leave you with Gin and Topics. Which, I have to say, are very, very good this week. I’m partial to number three, but they’re all very good.
5. Mad Men Perform Rick Astley. I’m pretty sure some people have waaaaaaay too much time on their hands, which is what I said to Deb Dobson when she sent this to me. But, you have to admit, this is pretty darn clever.
4. Fake Celebrity Pranks New York City. Michael Schechter and I had a really good laugh over this one. An average, every day guy has his friends follow him around with cameras while he pretends he’s a celebrity. You have to see this go down. People amaze me.
3. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Jump On It. Yvette Pistorio posted this on the Arment Dietrich Facebook wall a few weeks ago and it still has me crying from laughing so hard. I really, really, really want Lisa Gerber to do this with me, but she thinks we’ll be laughing too hard and won’t be able to pull it off. She’s probably right.
2. Chow Down (at Chick-fil-A). OK. This is raunchy and hilarious. It doesn’t matter how you feel about the stance of Chick-fil-A, you’ll find this hilarious. It’s drag queens singing Wilson Phillips with new lyrics about chowing down at Chick-fil-A. H-I-larious (as my sister-in-law would say)! Thanks Rebecca Amy Todd for the find…welcome home!
1. How to Piss Off a Frog. Ken Mueller sent this to me with a note about nature meeting technology. The poor frog!