Gin and TopicsWell, here we are.

The last Friday before Christmas.

Every year, when I begin counting down right after Labor Day (in the U.S.), it surprises me how quickly it arrives.

You will be happy to know that no one on my list will be receiving gifts from CVS.

I finished all of my shopping on Wednesday night…and everything that had to be shipped will arrive on time. Phew!

So now it’s time to sit back, relax, and watch the magic of the holidays through my five-year-old’s eyes.

I hope your holidays are magical, too.

With that, I give you the very last Gin and Topics I will curate in 2018.

Greg Brooks is going to curate the very last one of the year…and the very first one of 2019, too.

Lucky him! Lucky you!

Gin and Topics for Your Viewing Pleasure

This week’s videos are courtesy of Kelly Dietrich, Matt Maxey, Paula KigerKate Nolan, and MATTIE DIETRICH.

5. Glitter Bomb vs. Package Thief. If you haven’t already seen this, you won’t be disappointed. Mr. D sent it to me and then Chris Penn did and then Jenna Kubly did and then it became a waterfall of the entire world saying it needed to be included here. And so it is! As Sunny Hunt said, “I just spent 11 minutes watching an ad. Nicely done.” You won’t regret it.

4. Lil Jon featuring Kool-Aid Man. When Matt sent this in for consideration, he said, “I don’t use the term ‘instant classic’ lightly, but it sure seems to fit here!” I agree. I grinned through the entire thing. Consumer brands sure are taking the YouTube game up a notch. We won’t sit through 30 second television commercials, but we’ll watch 11 minute glitter bombs and three minute rap videos with the Kool-Aid Man.

3. Winter Break, Baby. I want to marry these women! I don’t know what I love more: their off-beat rapping or their dancing in classrooms, unbeknownst to the teachers. They are amazing. I love them.

Winter Break Baby from Stacy Byrd on Vimeo.

2. Home Alone Again. KEVIN IS BACK! And, truly, he looks exactly the same. Hasn’t aged a day in his entire life. Enjoy this little redux of Home Alone with Google Home Assistant. It’s brilliant.

1. Story of Christmas. Kids were asked to tell the story of Christmas—and adults acted it out. It’s just… a glorious piece of filmmaking. And “the baby was just too cute to pass up. There. I said it.”

Contribute to Gin and Topics

Have a video to contribute to Gin and Topics?

Send it to us!

The best place to send it is in the Spin Sucks community, but you can also email, text, private message, or Pony Express it to us.

Whatever works for you. Send it to me. You’ll be rewarded with a link back to your content. Your beautiful content.

Happy, happy holidays, everyone!

I hope to see you in the 30-Day Communications Challenge next year!

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with Syracuse University. She has run and grown an agency for the past 15 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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