Gin and TopicsHappy Friday!

(Or Saturday, for those of you who receive this in your inbox.)

In just two short weeks, my little beanie finishes pre-school and is off to kindergarten.

I am dying! I know I keep talking about this—and I know lots of you have gone through this—but I’m traumatized.

She said to me last night, “Just think, ‘It’s OK. My beanie will still live with me.’ Be positive. It is going to be OK.”

Still. Dying.

(And then she followed up with, when she’s a big kid, she’s going to go on trips alone.)


But you know what I do have to look forward to?

Buddy the Elf telling me how many Fridays remain until Christmas.

Woo hoo!

I promise I won’t start counting down until after Labor Day, though.

Until then, I give you Gin and Topics.

Gin and Topics for Your Viewing Pleasure

This week’s videos are courtesy of Nancy Lyons, Liz Reusswig, Kate Nolan, Dwayne Alicie, and yours truly.

5. Amazing Grace. High school students sing “Amazing Grace” to a teacher battling cancer. And it is, well, amazing.

4. Camp Winnipesaukee. I absolutely love it when Justin Timberlake hangs out with Jimmy Fallon. I feel like they’re besties in real life. In this video, they are at camp, getting into trouble and singing camp songs. There are also special appearances by Keegan-Michael Key and Billy Crystal. The best part is when Justin loses it and covers his head with the blanket.

3. MasterChef Junior Junior with Gordon Ramsay. James Corden and Gordon Ramsay host MasterChef Junior Junior. No baby is too young to compete. No chef or comedian is too brave to eat. Who will win in the end?

2. Kesha’s Note to Self. Despite the fact that Kesha is a hot mess, this is extraordinarily powerful. I can imagine most of us could write letters like this to our 18-year-old selves (minus the whole celebrity and sold out crowds thing). It’s a good one for the entire family to watch, particularly if you have teenaged girls. Go on with your bad self, Kesha!

1. Carpool Karaoke with Will Smith. I’m sorry to have another James Corden video in here, but it’s Will Smith! I love it when he talks about how he had a record on the radio for the last 30 days of his senior year. Coolest. Dude. Ever. When you combine this with the Tiffany Haddish story about the swamp tour and, of course, his being the Fresh Prince, you can’t help but love him.

Contribute to Gin and Topics

Don’t forget…if you see a great video you think would be a contender for this series, send it to me!

The best place to send it is in our Slack community, but you can also email, text, private message, or carrier pigeon it to me.

Have a great weekend!

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with USC Annenberg PRA. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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