Gin and TopicsBy Gini Dietrich

I love the snow.

I love winter.

I love the cold and being outside all bundled up and skiing and skating and everything about November through February.

But, come on, Mother Nature! It’s freaking May. I want to put away my winter clothes and get outside on my bike now.

Someone posted on Facebook the other day, “Mother Nature owes us a whole ton of May flowers.”

That made me laugh.

If you’re stuck inside all weekend because of colder-than-normal temperatures and rain, you have Gin and Topics to keep you company!

This week’s videos are courtesy of Clay Morgan, Ellie Pierce, Deb Dobson, Mr. D., and Lubna Sadik.

5. Social Media Revolution Parody. If you use social media as part of your living, you’ll find this video amusing. Based on the wildly popular Social Media Revolution from Erik Qualman, this video is full of made-up stats and poking fun at the social networks. I love a good parody.

4. The Reveal to Grandpa. There is nothing better than seeing the reaction of your parents when they are told they’re going to be grandparents…no matter how many times it happens. This is priceless AND he’s a Cubs fan! Someone cut some onions in here.

3. Synchronized Swimming Talent Show Skit. This. Is. Priceless. Eight fifth grade boys decided they would, indeed, participate in the school’s talent show. How? With synchronized swimming, of course! Boys this age are so much fun!

2. Sprinkler Rainbow Conspiracy. This woman is going to make you feel like the smartest person on earth. Because she is wondering what the heck is oozing out of our ground that creates a rainbow in a sprinkler. This cannot be natural. We all know it wasn’t something that happened 20 years ago. We, as a nation, have to ask ourselves what is going on.

1. Lip-Sync Battle with Emma Stone. Jimmy Fallon is back with a lip-sync battle…this time with Emma Stone. If you don’t already love her, you will after watching this. She wins, hands down. I also want to know how many bobby pins are in that bun that it doesn’t move when she’s jumping up and down.

Have a great weekend!

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in collaboration with USC Annenberg. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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