Gin and TopicsHappy St. Paddy’s Day!

It’s raining in Chicago so the monumental snowfall we had earlier this week will all be gone by tomorrow.

I realize that Cubs opening day (April 10) is always freezing and it always snows on Mr. D’s birthday (April 27), but I’m hopeful spring is upon us after this.

I have to, have to, have to get out of my basement and back outside on my bike.

It’s making me a little nutty (don’t say it!) and my body needs fresh air and sunshine.

Today’s Gin and Topics was difficult to curate…so many great things have happened this week.

From microwaves have cameras in them to Peter Alexander and Sean Spicer arguing over whether the president can be trusted, it’s been a goldmine of great videos!

But, with the help of Kelly Dietrich, Paula Kiger, Erika Heald, Tara Geissinger, and Aimee West, I was able to do the difficult task.

Please enjoy today’s Gin and Topics.

Gin and Topics…For Your Viewing Pleasure

5. BBC Bloopers. You’ve probably seen this video by now. I’ve never seen something blow up quite as quickly (though Chewbacca Mom came close). But it’s worth another watch…or 10. You also should check out the tweet storm about Marion, the little girl in this video. Hilarious!

4. The Babysitter Bachelor Parody. You would think we’d tire of all the Bachelor parodies. And you’d be almost correct. Until you watch this one and then you’ll realize you have room for one more in your brain. Because it is H-I-larious. “I’m going to end up alone! With my kids!”

3. Guys Dressing Provocatively. In this Tracey Ullman skit, she plays a detective who is interviewing a man who is mugged. But she turns the table on him and asks questions that lead you to believe “he deserved it.”

2. Jimmy Fallon Monologue. Because he’s Jimmy Fallon. Because he’s hilarious. And because he highlights many of the things that make up today’s Gin and Topics.

1. I Don’t Know How to Announce Gyro. Two Jimmy Fallons in a row! I don’t typically like to do that, but this music video with Luke Bryan is too good to pass up. He and Jimmy wrote, produced, and sang a song about gyros. You read that correctly. Gyros.

Have a really good weekend.

And, don’t forget, if you see a great video, send it to me!

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in collaboration with USC Annenberg. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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