We are in the final run of summer.
With Labor Day weekend in the U.S. next weekend, summer will be officially over in less than two weeks.
Conference season begins. Budgets are assigned. Plans are written. Things get busy, busy, busy!
Enjoy your last week before you have to buckle down and finish out the year strong.
I most certainly will—I’m off for the next week. Woo hoo!
Which means you are going to have a special guest hosting Gin and Topics next week.
He’s been a host before, but it’s been a couple of years so it’s time to have him back.
Tune in one week today to see who it is. I know you’ll enjoy his version of Gin and Topics.
Until then, here is my version of Gin and Topics, with help from my friends.
Without Further Ado…Gin and Topics
This week’s videos are courtesy of Nancy Davis, Corina Manea, Laura Petrolino, Mihai Petre, and Maris Callahan.
5. Preschool, What? OK, I’ve seen this floating around and I’ve watched it a few times. I’m fairly certain it’s been edited to death and the little girl was told what to say (what two-year-old says a kid was “triggered”?). But if you watch it for what it is, and don’t overanalyze it like I did, it’s pretty cute.
4. Hands-free Wine Glass. There are some pretty inventive uses for this hands-free wine glass, but I would argue not losing it is not one of them. You see, I have Brad. Brad holds my wine glass for me, and everyone knows he belongs to me. Therefore, no loss of the wine glass is possible. Thank you, Brad.
3. Morning People vs. Me. This will make you laugh out loud. That’s all I’m going to say about it.
2. The Switch. It’s amazing to me how creative brands are getting with their ads so we’ll watch them. I mean, we used to get up to go to the bathroom during commercials and now we’ll sit for more than two minutes to watch a car commercial. I’d say advertising is going in the right direction.
1. Literal Version. I seriously want to be one of those people who is this creative. Or as creative as the Bad Lip Reading guys. It never even occurs to me to create literal lyrics for Total Eclipse of the Heart video. Person who did this, I commend you.
Contribute to Gin and Topics
Don’t forget…if you see a great video you think would be a contender for this series, send it to me!
The best place to send it is in our Slack community, but you can also email, text, private message, or carrier pigeon it to me.
Have a great weekend…and enjoy your last week of summer!