Gin and TopicsOn this International Women’s Day, I want to recognize and thank all of the women in my life—from family and friends to my crazy colleagues.

But also the men who are feminists and love their women counterparts. You are few and far between, but the effort you make for the women in your lives does not go unnoticed.

Thank you!

I hope every one of you reading this today will thank the people in your lives who inspire you.

And with that small challenge, I leave you with Gin and Topics.


Gin and Topics for Your Viewing Pleasure

This week’s videos are courtesy of Paula Kiger, Kate Nolan, Whitney Danhauer, and yours truly.

5. What it Feels Like to Be Nominated for an Oscar. I’ll admit it…this made me tear up a little bit. This is what it’s like for artists to be nominated by their peers for the most prestigious award in their industry.

4. Dogs Playing Music. You definitely have to watch this one with the sound on.

3. New Kids On The Block—Boys in the Band. All I have to say about this is, when Whitney posted it in our community, Katie Robbert yelled, “DEBBIE GIBSON is in the video.” You’re welcome.

2. Jimmy Fallon, Weezer & The Roots Sing “Take on Me” (Classroom Instruments). I can tell you right now that we have some of these instruments at home and our playing them NEVER sounds like this. Ever.

1. Four-Year-Old Mic’d Up at Hockey Practice. You may have already seen this—it’s making the rounds. But if you haven’t, this will be the best time you’ve spent all week.

Contribute to Gin and Topics

Have a video to contribute to Gin and Topics? Send it to us!

The best place to send it is in the Spin Sucks community, but you can also email, text, private message, or Pony Express it to us.

Whatever works for you. Send it to me. You’ll be rewarded with a link back to your content. Your beautiful content.

Have a great weekend…and don’t forget it’s Daylight Saving Time. So, for those of you with young children, good luck! I’m dreading it.

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with USC Annenberg PRA. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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