Gin and TopicsBy Gini Dietrich

What a week!

Content Jam was yesterday and it was super fun.

Having been to all sorts of conferences this year, I have to say I much prefer the intimate events like Content Jam because you can sit in the hallway and see all of the people you know online and haven’t met in real life yet.

I got to see Nick Kellet, Brandie McCallum, Kate Nolan, Jure Klepic, Amy Tobin, Hessie Jones, James Halloran, Joe Cardillo, and lots of my Chicago friends I never get to see (even Sean McGinnis, sigh).

I also got two blog post ideas from the sessions I attended so you’ll see more on that later.

The closing keynote was Spin Sucks and I stood between the end of the day and the bar.

So I talked as fast as I could about how much spin sucks and the importance of treating what we do as a marathon.

Now, while I go into introvert recovery mode before I go back out to speak again next week, I leave you with Gin and Topics.

This week’s videos are brought to you by Mr. D., Michael Koehler, Howie Beigelman, Mattie Dietrich, and yours truly.

5. Hideaway Parody. OK, you have to do a little bit of work before you watch this video. If you’ve not yet seen the music video for Kiesza’s Hideaway, watch it first. You don’t have to watch the whole thing…just the first minute or so. You need to get the gist of it (click here to watch). Good? Alright. Now watch this Russian parody.

4. Twilight Breaking Cookie. Speaking of parodies, Sesame Street (namely Cookie Monster and friends) make fun of Twilight. Complete with Belly, Shortbredward, and Bacob. Very funny!

3. Shimon Peres Goes Job Hunting. The former Israeli president needs to find a job, but he doesn’t have any experience (according to the temp agency). So he tries everything from pizza delivery to drugstore cashier. But the best is when he tries standup comedy and they introduce him as Shimmy P. It’s a really great video about co-existing and treating one another like human beings.

2. I Just Need Some Space. This “All About that Bass” cover is hilarious, particularly if you’re a mom. The “get your foot out of my face” line made me laugh out loud.

1. Five Second Summaries. I tried really hard to do an entire Gin and Topics with Jimmy Fallon, but the video Shawn Rossi sent me cannot be embedded so I had to call in the big guns. So here you are: Jimmy Fallon and Andy Samberg play five second summaries, which means they have five seconds to describe a movie without the title or actor’s names and the other person has to guess. The best part, though? Andy obsessed about winning. I love him.

Have a great weekend!

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in collaboration with USC Annenberg. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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