Happy April Fool’s and Opening Day! The helicopters were circling our house at 6:00 this morning (we live in Wrigleyville) in preparation for the big Cubs home opener. That means spring is almost here!

Of course, the east coast got snow today, but like I told Ken Mueller, that means allergies are at bay a few more days (it also means that cycling season hasn’t begun yet, but I’m trying to stay positive!).

Are you ready for your Gin and Topics? Let’s do it!

5. Google Wants to Be Your +1. Google now shows a “+1” next to URLs that allows you to share sites with your networks. Sounds vaguely familiar. Hmmm…kind of like a Facebook like? I wonder how it feels to offer a “me too” product after ruling the world for so long?

4. Tablets: Publish or Perish. We talk a lot internally about skipping the web entirely and going straight to the tablet, but fully realize not everyone has one yet. This article talks about how quickly tablets will scale…and they think it’ll be in the next six to 12 months.

3. GoDaddy.com CEO Shoots Elephant. I can’t figure out why people are so enraged with this video. Bob Parsons explains that, by killing an elephant, villagers (most of whom are starving) get very much needed protein, not to mention saving a farmer’s crops (which also feed the village) from being trampled. I get animal rights. Heck, I tell Jack Bauer all the time it’s not human nature to love an animal as much as I love him. But what about the human beings who get to eat? Would people be as enraged to see them starving?

2. In Salesforce.com’s Deal for Radian6, a Nod to Facebook’s Rise. Big news in the social space this week when Salesforce announced they’ve acquired Radian6. The company says nothing changes (which is good for my friends at Radian6), but I can’t help but wonder if companies like Arment Dietrich, who use the tool for many clients, will be left in the dust because we don’t use Salesforce?

1. Twitter Founder Wants to Make Twitter More Mainstream. So Jack Dorsey co-founds Twitter. Then he leaves and begins to build Square. Now he’s coming back? Dude! Make up your mind! He’s back as product chief and his main goal is to create more value for you.

Have a story I missed? Leave it in the comments!

Always big thanks to Jennifer Hallowes for the image we use every week!

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with USC Annenberg PRA. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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