GUESS WHAT?! Four more days until my birthday!!! (And five more days until Lindsay Bell’s birthday!)
I’ve already started receiving gifts (granted, I bought them for myself).
I bought some Butter Melt Away, which has totally stopped me from picking my cuticles (why has no one ever told me about this?!). I bought some Butter Horse Power, which strengthens my poor fingernails that I still bite. I bought some Lot18 wine (they sent me a birthday coupon for half off!). I’m in good shape!
In honor of my upcoming celebration, and because he was on fire this week from LA post-Super Bowl, this Gin and Topics episode is one big tribute to Jimmy Fallon.
I had some help from Lubna Sadik and Mattie Dietrich, who may love him as much as I do.
(And there is an appearance by Chris Evans, who ranks up there with RDJ.)
5. Jimmy Fallon Reunites “Saved by the Bell” Cast. I speak from authority when I say, even if you’ve never seen an episode of Saved by the Bell (cough, cough), this is still flipping hilarious. And it’s Jimmy Fallon, who just cannot miss. He even talks about dating Nicole Kidman, which harkens back to when he had her on his show. So, so funny!
4. We Are the Champions. Jimmy and the Roots sing We Are the Champions a cappella with Carrie Underwood, Sam Smith, Ariana Grande, Blake Shelton, Usher, Meghan Trainor, One Direction (pssst! Kara Vanskike!), and Christina Aguilera.
3. Password with Celebrities. First, I kind of love they are wearing nametags like no one knows who they are. Also, I don’t know how there is anyway ANYONE gets “booty” when the clue is _____ call. Oh my gosh! This is so funny!
2. Celebrity Photobomb. Either I’m getting tired or these are getting funnier. Chris Evans (CAPTAIN AMERICA!), Chris Pratt (Star Lord!), and Jimmy Fallon photobomb the professional photos the Super Bowl attendees have taken. I may have had tears running down my face.
1. Lip Sync Battle with Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart, and Jimmy Fallon. I have been waiting ALL WEEK to share this! I haven’t shared it on any of my social networks because I didn’t want to take away from anyone who would see it here. Granted, nearly 23 million people have watched it so you may have already seen it, but it’s that good. Yay for the lip sync battle!
And, last but not least, if you want to see the Patriots give Will Ferrell’s Seahawks sweatshirt the Belichick special, click here.
Have a great weekend!