It seems we have a trend in Chicago. Every time it has snowed this winter (this is only the fourth time), it’s on Friday.

I wonder why that is? Mother Nature must be feeling generous to not make us trudge through snow all week long. Because, by Monday, it’s been gone.

So here I sit, watching it snow, and hoping we get a little bit more so I can get the skis out this weekend!

There are some interesting things for this week’s Gin and Topics. If it’s snowy and cold where you are, this will give you a good five minutes of entertainment. 

5.  Porsche Stuck In Wet Cement. I don’t know if this proves karma exists or if it’s a lesson I should take in patience. Because this is totally something I would do. Deb Dobson and I laughed and laughed at this poor guy. What a moron.

4. How Target Figured Out Teen Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did. You may have already seen this, as it’s been making the rounds this week. From a marketing perspective, it’s really freaking amazing what we can do to target individuals, instead of groups of audiences, now. From a consumer perspective, it’s really scary how much data companies have on us.

3. Smartphone Kind of Man. You are going to LOVE this. My friend Ken Colburn, who owns Data Doctors, decided it was time to get serious about video. And serious he got. He and his team produced a video of guys texting, emailing, Facebooking, and more…while on the pot. But wait and see what happens at the end. Downright genius!

2. TV Aims for New Audience. I seriously can’t make this stuff up. Not only is there now a television station just for dogs, but in England, there is bunny jumping. As in a real sport where bunnies jump, as if they’re horses. For all you animal lovers out there, these two are for you. Thanks to John Trader for the bunny jumping one. I never would have found that on my own.

1. WSJ Facebook Pages Target of Anonymous. I don’t know why I find Anonymous so fascinating. I know most of what they’re doing is illegal. Based on that, alone, I shouldn’t get giddy when something is written about them. I guess I’m just jealous I don’t have the hacking skills it takes to be a part of something like that. I’m a geek. I know.

WAIT! WAIT! Hold the presses!

I received this video after I wrote Gin and Topics, but it’s so good, I had to revise the blog post. It can’t wait for next week because it’s surrounding the Oscars.

+1. Couple’s Big Oscar Risk. Read the article I’ve linked to in the headline and then watch the video (click here or it’s embedded below). It made me cry.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with USC Annenberg PRA. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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