It’s Friday! I was on the plane last night and realized it was Thursday, not Wednesday like I thought.

Do the weeks go by faster and faster as the year progresses?

Or maybe I’m just getting old.

Don’t answer that!

I won’t keep you from getting to Gin and Topics. There are some good ones this week.

Thanks to everyone who sends me links. Keep ’em coming!

5. Facebook Parenting. It’s doubtful you missed this video, but if you did, it’s a must see. It’s long (eight-ish minutes), but trust me when I say it’s worth watching all the way to the end. All I have to say is if I wrote a letter about my parents, claiming I needed to be paid for the chores I was doing, my dad would have packed my bags and told me to get out in the big, old world and figure it out. And he would have been serious. You can see this dad’s response to all the negative responses here. Me? I love it. If I had kids and I threatened to put a bullet through the laptop if they did something like this again (yes, this was the second time), I’d do it. My hat is off to him.

4. Gorilla Lured by iPhone. I LOVE MONKEYS!! I mean, love. I am so doing this. This guy used the front-facing camera on his iPhone, and a mirror, and captured the attention of monkeys. It’s freaking awesome. I’m so doing this. You’ll find me at the zoo this weekend. THANK YOU, Kat Krieger, for sending this to me!

3. Shearman Lawyer In “Spit-Roast” Email Shame. Deb Dobson sent this to me the other day and I was both appalled and amused. A young attorney, getting ready for a bachelor weekend, sent his buddies a list of rules, including, “Cheating is allowed.” Well, it was leaked to the media. And, because the dude sent it from his work email address, he’s in a lot of hot water. Turns out, what happens in Vegas lives online forever.

2. The Karate Rap. One of my favorite things Bill Simmons does over at Grantland is have his 20-something intern watch clips from 80s movies and shows and write his reaction. When John Trader sent me this Karate Rap from the 80s, I could only think of that and my reaction. See what you think. It’s bad. It’s really bad.

1. Tweeting from Beyond the Grave. I can’t remember where I was, but I was speaking and we were talking about QR codes. A guy in the audience said his business makes gravestones and he’s considering adding QR codes so people can add more information than just the person’s name and lifespan. I thought it was both brilliant and morbid. Then Kat Krieger sent me this article and it seems to be a trend!

Happy Weekend, all!

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in collaboration with USC Annenberg. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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