Well, birthday week is over for Lindsay Bell, Martin Waxman, and me.
BUT! We are waiting to hear when the Spin Sucks intern (aka Eleanor Pierce’s baby) makes her first appearance in the world. Hopefully sometime today!
We’ve already texted and Facebook messaged her 100 times…and it’s only 6:24 a.m. She’s being super nice and not saying, “YOU GUYS! I will let you know!”
Yay, Spin Sucks intern!
While we patiently wait to hear, I’ll leave you with Gin and Topics.
This week’s videos are courtesy of Mr. D., Mattie Dietrich, Lindsay, Paula Kiger, and yours truly.
5. Things Everybody Does But Doesn’t Talk About. Love him or hate him, you have to hand it to our President. He’s a super cool human being…someone you’d like to go grab a beer with, you know, after he’s finished ruling the free world. This Buzzfeed video demonstrates his cool factor while he wields a selfie stick.
4. Harvey and Harmony. In this hilarious ad for ThinkboxTV, Harvey tries to convince his owner to let his girlfriend, Harmony, move in with them.
3. Password with Emma Thompson, Michael Cera, and Jim Parsons. I try really hard not include Jimmy Fallon. I do. BUT HE IS SO GOOD! And this Password game they place is H-I-larious! The first password is so painful!
2. Friends: Rebooted. This is what Friends would look like if it were made today with hipsters.
1. Marshawn Lynch and Rob Gronkowski Play “Mortal Kombat X” With Conan O’Brien. Conan O’Brien challenges Gronkowski and Lynch to a game of Mortal Kombat X before the Super Bowl. Mostly to see if he can get Lynch to speak. Just one word. And see if he can predict the outcome of the Super Bowl, based on who wins this playoff.
P.S. Don’t forget! If you’re participating in the Spin Sucks scavenger hunt, the first two clues are on Corina Manea’s and on Martin’s blogs.
If you don’t have a card, download it here.
And, if you buy a copy of Spin Sucks between now and March 8, we’ll send you a fun package full of goodies to use in your office.
Just email the receipt to [email protected]. Please include your mailing address so we know where to send the package.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Have a great weekend!