I am SUPER excited about today’s Livefyre author Q&A.

Why, you ask?

Because I LOVE Pinterest and she’s written the book on how to use the social network from a business perspective.

Beth Hayden is the author of Pinfluence: The Complete Guide to Marketing Your Business with Pinterest.


We’ve talked here about how Pinterest has helped some of our clients increase revenue by focusing solely on the social network. Of course, the clients it’s most effective with are those who sell something really cool online (i.e. clothes and food), but I’ve also noticed significant traffic to Spin Sucks from the site. Significant enough that people spend nearly five times as long reading content here than they do when they come from any other site.

It’s pretty amazing how well it works.

And now Beth will be here to answer your questions about using it to raise awareness for your brand, product, or service, drive to your website or blog, and connect with current and potential customers.

Today’s Chat

At noon ET (that’s 11:00 CT, 10:00 MT, and 9:00 PT for those of you who can’t do time zones), Beth is going to be hanging out in the comments so you can ask her anything and everything about the book, how to use Pinterest for B2B, how to measure your efforts, and any cool tips or tricks she’s learned along the way.

In order to participate, all you have to do is:

  • Make sure you have a Livefyre account or be ready to sign in with one of your social networks.
  • Set a reminder for noon ET today.
  • Buy, or download, the book so you are prepared to have a lively discussion.
  • Create a list of questions to ask Beth about the book, what it’s like writing for Copyblogger, and whether or not she’ll share her Pinterest goodies.
  • Come back here, scroll to the bottom, and write a comment in the form of a question. As soon as you hit “post comment,” Beth will see it and reply to you. You can even join the conversation around questions others are asking, if you like.

We’ll be here for an hour so you can join us the entire time or step in and out between noon and 1:00. It’s entirely up to you; just make sure you’re here before 12:59.

Win a Copy

Those of you who participate in today’s chat (even if you’re late to the party, but not if you’re an Arment Dietrich employee) will be entered in a random drawing for a free copy of the book.

We bought two copies and will give them both away! But you have to participate to be entered in the drawing. Otherwise I won’t know you were here.

Get ready with your questions and join the conversation. And don’t fear! If you missed the live portion of this, we’ll keep the drawing open until the end of the day so you still have time to get in your questions.

Former Guests and Who’s Next

For former guests, check out Margie ClaymanSarah Robinson, and Mark Story.

I haven’t yet determined our December guest or date. We normally do it on the third Wednesday of the month, but the holidays are really screwing us up this year.

Stay tuned for more information about who’s next.

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with USC Annenberg PRA. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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