It’s doubtful you recognize the name Laney Namanny. She’s not a Spin Sucks commenter (though I’m fairly certain she watches Gin and Topics) and she rarely comments on Facebook. But she’s a pretty important part of my life.
She’s my baby sister!
And today is her birthday so I thought it fitting to feature her in today’s Spin Sucks Inquisition.
A little bit about my baby sister: She’s the mother of four (her oldest just turned 12!) and dog mom to Dozer, is married to a really great guy, who I lovingly refer to as “monkey face,” and she recently made the transition from stay-at-home mom to full-time office manager in a medical office.
When we were kids, we shared a room – and a bed – and she loved to sleep at the end of the bed, across my feet. She also is a little human heater, so I loved to sleep with my back against hers when it was cold outside.
She is stunningly beautiful. I’ve always been envious of her luxurious long, dark hair and her almond shaped eyes.
She is my complete opposite. She’s an extrovert, can talk to anyone, and makes really good friends wherever she goes. People love to be around her.
You’ll love her too (and may see some similarities).
Without further ado…Laney Namanny.
What is the Biggest Mistake You’ve Made in Your Career?
Being overzealous.
At one of my earlier jobs in healthcare, I applied to become the manager of the company. I had the experience and I had all sorts of ideas and thoughts of how things could change to make the company a better place to work. I got an interview and in my interview they asked me how I would handle the employees that are disgruntled about change.
I literally said, ” I would say, ‘here’s the door, you are welcome to open it and leave!'”
I really thought those people needed to stop complaining and buck up and join the team, but that attitude was a little overzealous and was definitely the reason I did not get the job.
Often times in my work I think, oh things would be so much better this way, but I then forget there is a process.
I have learned to be a little more politically correct and to not be quite so overzealous about things.
What is One Thing about Yourself that Would Surprise Most People?
That besides working two jobs and having four kids, I also run a blog called Pintology.
It is a place where I test things from Pinterest and give them a rating, based on a five star scale, in five different categories.
If you are ever wondering if something you see on Pinterest really works, check my blog out to see if I have tested it or ask me to test it for you.
This takes all of the frustration, time, and money out of trying new things.
If You Could Achieve Everything You Ever Wanted in Life, but Had to Die 10 Years Sooner, Would You Make that Trade?
I definitely would make the trade.
I have never been one to want to live to 90 or 100.
If I could get everything done and die 10 years sooner, I would definitely take you up on that offer.
What Industry Advice or Practice Would You Most Like to Cry Foul On?
I am a huge fan of excellent customer service.
In fact, I created one of the largest customer service campaigns for one of the largest healthcare providers in our area.
I live and breathe good customer service and how important it is for business.
If I could have my dream job I would go around teaching companies about good customer service and the importance of it and how much it affects their bottom line.
And wouldn’t you know I live in one of the rudest places in the country? People here (in Utah) are extremely rude and I probably have a bad customer service experience once a day.
I almost want to pat the employee on the back when they provide me with a good experience and I want to yell at the one giving me the bad experience (being a little overzealous, again).
At any rate, I wish companies and employees would understand just how important good customer service is and make it a top priority when hiring their employees.
What is the Best Book You’ve Read in the Past Six Months?
I read a lot, so it’s impossible to choose just one.
Here are a few of my favorites:
- The Fault in Our Stars
- The Selection
- The Maze Runner
- Enders Game
- Allegiant
- Dad is Fat
- The Book Thief
- Mortal Instruments
(She’s definitely my sister; I can’t choose just one, either.)
Why Does Spin Suck?
Spin sucks because it is just that…spin.
What’s the Best Part About Being My Sister?
(I added a new question just for Laney!)
Watching my sister grow into such a successful person has been one of the neatest things ever.
Also, having someone I can call and get advice when I need it, especially about my blog.
Having someone who is great with my kids and loves them as if they were her own is something I cherish.
And having someone who is forgiving and forgets the past.
(Oh! I haven’t forgotten! I just choose to bring it up when it provides me the best opportunity to tease her.)
Where You Can Find Laney Namanny
You can find Laney on Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, and on Pintology. You also can see some coverage of Pintology on Spin Sucks and on Channel 4 news in Utah.
Happy Birthday, Laney! I love you!