Lou DraperBy Gini Dietrich

You know how I always brag about all the great friends I’ve made through this very blog?

Well, today’s featured guest is no exception…and she’s all the way from New Zealand (which means you get to listen to an incredible accent)!

I’ll admit I’m a little reticent to have you watch this week’s Inquisition because she totally calls me on the carpet during the Five Second Rule. I mean, at a #micdrop level.

But hey! What fun is it if we aren’t making fun of me? I mean, for the rest of you…not for me, of course.

And, with that, I’m excited to introduce you to Lou Draper.

Lou is the founder of not one, but two, PR firms (one she co-founded earlier this year) in Wellington—LOUD in Public and Draper Cormack.

She also has a crazy and sordid past, which includes a mobile espresso truck and make-up artistry.

I met her when she took the Modern Blogging Masterclass pilot last year and we became fast friends.

So here she is…in all her glorious accent, calling me on the carpet glory!

The Spin Sucks Inquisition

I asked Lou the normal questions (which you can find below):

  • Tell us who you are and what you do.
  • What is the biggest mistake you’ve made in the past six months?
  • What is one of the biggest trends you’ll be using this year?
  • What is one thing about yourself that would surprise most people?
  • What is the best book you’ve read in the last six months?
  • What is your latest Netflix binge?
  • The Five Second Rule.
  • Where can people find you online?

If you can’t access the video below, you can find it by clicking here.

Where You Can Find Lou Draper

Now that you’ve met Lou, it’s time to get your fingers warmed up and start clicking.

You can find her on:

Now the floor is yours. Say hello to Lou!

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with USC Annenberg PRA. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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