The Spin Sucks InquisitionWhen we did the Spin Sucks Inquisition on paper (I’d send the questions to the guest, they’d answer them, we’d run them), it was a lot easier to manage through travel schedules and vacations.

But now that they’re on video, if say Laura Petrolino is on vacation (heading into a bodybuilding competition tomorrow!), she can’t do the Five Second Rule.

And, if say, I’m traveling for a week, I either have to double-up on interviews the week before I leave, or have to have a few in the can.

As it turns out, I couldn’t double-up this week because of the aforementioned bodybuilding competition and I don’t have anything in the can.

Alas. I have nothing for this week or next.

(And I’m not even blogging next week, which you’ll soon discover. Though we have a really fun surprise in store for you!)

So I thought it’d be fun to do a two-part series on the first eight months of this year (I’ll follow-up with the second part next Friday).

A look-back at all of the fun guests we’ve had and things they’ve said or done.

The Spin Sucks Inquisition Round-up

  1. Paula Kiger. Paula started it all with her, “We don’t have Netflix” comment and then the rest of our guests, one-by-one, shamed my binge-watching self. (I would like to note, however, they do now have Netflix so I feel a sort of victory!)
  2. Laura Petrolino. I feel like she needs no introduction. Let’s just wish her good luck for tomorrow!
  3. Andy Crestodina. Since this recording, Andy and his wife have had their first baby AND he is about to give the keynote of his life at Content Marketing World (will I see you there?).
  4. Amanda Eastep. Amanda just moved her daughter into the dorms and is trying to sneak herself into the closet so she doesn’t have to leave.
  5. Danny Brown. What you didn’t get to see on this video is a darling wife, two adorable children, and two dogs. But I did! So nanny nanny boo boo!
  6. Eden Spodek. My friend Eden has come a long way since February 12. She’s about to embark on something huge for her business (which I’ll soon tell you about) and I could not be more excited to watch her success.
  7. Kate Nolan. Since this recording, Kate and I have broken up. She sent me a video for Gin and Topics that made me not just cry, but ugly cry with snot and all. So we broke up.
  8. Rob Biesenbach. Rob mentions in this video his speaking goal for the year…and I think he’s doubled it. I’m fairly certain he has at least two speaking engagements every week in August.
  9. Paul Sutton. Speaking of vacations, Paul is just back from holiday in Lagos. Only Europeans go cool places like Lagos. And now, as I told him, it’s time for him to buckle down and kill Q4 for his business!
  10. Hanna Knowles. In this video, Hanna and I talk about Strava and how I need to friend her there. Well, I did and let’s just say this young lady kills it! I look at her running and cycling times and think, “Yes! Someone I can compete with on the bike!” So let’s do it, girl!
  11. Susan Cellura. One of the things I love to tell people about Susan is she has the cojones the size of Texas. You give her a goal and she goes after it in a way I’ve never experienced in my entire career. We could all learn a thing or two from her.
  12. Whitney Fay. My adorable friend Whitney just sent her daughter to fifth grade and she just had her bachelorette party (wedding in a month!). Lots of life changes for this one all at once!
  13. Travis Peterson. Since this recording, I’ve gotten to know Travis even better. He is a true entrepreneur—he doesn’t just talk about doing great stuff, he goes out and does it.
  14. Howie Goldfarb. I don’t know which of aliases to use—Taylor Swift, Kayne West…who else have you used, Howie? The first time he commented as Kanye, let’s just say certain members of my team thought it was really him and I had to explain that it was Howie. After incredulity came disbelief and then they realized I was right.
  15. Bill Smith. I keep waiting for Bill to show up in Chicago with his camera to take photos of the architecture here. For now, he’s sticking with Canada and you’d be remiss not to check out his work.
  16. Liz Reusswig. Liz also just returned from a well-deserved vacation. After supporting her extraordinarily talented daughters in at least two, if not three, musical productions this summer, it was time for her to hit the Jersey shore and just relax. But now back to more theater!

And that, my friends, is the Spin Sucks Inquisition from January through April of this year.

Next week, we’ll recap May through the middle of August.

In the meantime, say hello to those you know, learn more about those you don’t, and share a story with us if you have one!

Image: While Jack Bauer has nothing to do with the Spin Sucks Inquisition, he’d like to also have a few seconds of fame.

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with USC Annenberg PRA. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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