Jack Bauer in a ScarfYou know how, before you go on vacation and you don’t have everything finished, you think, “It’s be no big deal. I’ll just get up early before everyone else and do some work.”?

And you do…for the first three days. And by the fourth day, the sun and the salt and the learning how to paddleboard on the ocean catch up with you and you think, “You’re an idiot.”?

Yep. That’s where I am right now.

But I conquered that paddleboard and am now the queen of Emerald Isle!

(Not to mention the gigantic bruise on my left arm, the 20 or so bruises on my legs, and missing a large toenail.)

This is precisely why I thought it’d be way more fun to do a round-up of where we are through the first half of August (which I started last week).

So here you go…part two of the Spin Sucks Inquisition for 2016, so far.

  1. Lou Draper. I met Lou in the pilot of our Modern Blogging Masterclass and she was a shining star. In this episode, you get to hear her lovely accent and learn some New Zealand vocabulary.
  2. Roger Friedensen. I may or may not have double-dog dared Roger to use his nickname for me in this episode (which is not appropriate!) and he does!
  3. Shonali Burke. I’m willing to bet Shonali needs no introduction as she is PR industry extraordinaire. In this episode, you get to hear another lovely accent and learn something really interesting about her (which I won’t spoil if you’ve not yet watched it).
  4. Robert Moore. I learned in this episode that, by knowing Robert, I am ONE DEGREE from Robert Downey, Jr. And now you know why I keep him around.
  5. Deidre Breakenridge. Another one who needs no introduction because of her leadership in this industry, we learn something about Deidre I think we can all relate to in business and in life.
  6. Tony Gnau. In my opinion, Tony is one of the very best video professionals in the entire world. Plus, he’s super fun to be around because of his college and news reporting stories.
  7. Nicole Rodrigues. I officially met Nicole when I appeared on her radio program and have loved her since then. She’s definitely someone to watch in our industry (plus I’m pretty sure she’s never had a bad hair day).
  8. Gerry Corbett. Gerry is a past president of PRSA International and has a ton to offer the industry. But what he did before he went into PR is almost more interesting.
  9. Andrew Mclaren. It’s true that everything in Australia will kill you…except Andrew. He’s my grammar nazi friend who can take it as well as dish it.
  10. Kimberly Crossland. Kimberly is not only one of my favorite content marketers, she’s my favorite multi-tasker. I’m kind of in awe at her skills.
  11. Lara Wellman. Lara is one of my favorite Canadians who is a social media strategist turned business coach. I would totally hire her because she’s not only smart, but super fun to be around (and isn’t afraid to visit Chicago in January for fun).
  12. Ken Jacobs. Ken is, hands down, one of the few people who can make me laugh so hard I have an asthma attack. You also learn something about our relationship that involves the Jewish High Holidays.
  13. Andy Donovan. Andy is another favorite Canadian who recently visited Chicago and played leap frog soccer in my front yard (which we did not discuss in the video because it happened yet). Even without that, you’ll learn a few awesome things about him.
  14. Jon-Mikel Bailey. Or JMB,  as I call him, has a secret obsession with a musical genre that seems, um, really uncharacteristic of him. See what it is in this episode.
  15. Joe Thornley. I’ve known Joe Thornley for a looooong time, and have been his co-host (with Martin Waxman) on Inside PR for a looooong time. And I am telling you, the story he tells about his eyebrows is one of the most funny I have ever heard from him.

And there you have it! The 32 Inquisitions of 2016 (so far)!

We’ll be back next Friday with a regularly scheduled interview.

image: I thought I’d stay with the Jack Bauer dressed up theme…

P.S. There will be no Gin and Topics this week. I repeat, no Gin and Topics this week.

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with USC Annenberg PRA. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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