I’m just now noticing a trend in the stories I collected this week. Sixty percent of my recommendations are hysterical. Guess I was either in a really good mood this week or needed to laugh really badly. Regardless, I think you’re really going to enjoy the stories (and one video) this week.
Presenting…the top five stories for week ending Nov. 12, 2010.
5. Justin Long Comes to an Understanding with the Film Critic Who Called Him a ‘Mooky Mook’. Justin Long, himself, writes a well written and thoughtful comment on an article about Going the Distance, Long’s movie with Drew Barrymore. Film critic Michelle Orange found herself puzzled by how Long might have landed Barrymore onscreen, writing, “How a milky, affectless mook with half-formed features and a first day of kindergarten haircut might punch several classes above his weight is a mystery.” His response is not only classy, it’s priceless.
4. My Son Is Gay. One of the serious stories this week, this is a must read. You may have already seen it, as it made its way around Facebook. But if you’ve not read it, it’s a must. The gist of it is that a little boy wanted to be Daphne, from Scooby Doo, for Halloween. The reaction from parents is appalling. My favorite line? “I am not worried that your son will grow up to be an actual ninja so back off.”
3. And Then I Met Neil Gaiman. I don’t know how to say this any differently: Anything The Bloggess writes is hysterical. This is about meeting her hero, Neil Gaiman, and the one question she got to ask him for her column in the Houston Chronicle. It is spit coffee at your computer screen good.
2. When Are Facebook Updates a Firing Offense? The National Labor Relations Board ruled two weeks ago that an employee cannot be fired for negative comments posted to his or her personal Facebook page. If you are in a position to hire and fire people, please read this so you fully understand what it means. Heck, even if you aren’t in a position to hire and fire, read it so you know what you can and cannot post on Facebook without getting into trouble.
1. Club Can’t Handle Me. Indian Style. This video is H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S! It’s an Indian kid singing (rapping?) Club Can’t Handle Me. Please watch the entire thing. You don’t want to miss the lotion at the end.
And on that note…have a great weekend!