We’re on day three of the Livefyre commenting system and I think I’m in love. I may want to marry it, but first I want to hear from you. Do you like it? Do you like how you can @ reply someone and bring them into the conversation? Do you like how it sends one email with a bunch of comments in it instead of 16 different emails?

Or, is it sending you too many updates when people have conversations that have nothing to do with you? I get all of the emails so I don’t know it works for you. Please let me know! If you love it as much as I do, we’ll have a wedding ceremony.

If you’ve not testing it out, try it! Let me know what you think. And, in return, here are the top five stories for week ending Oct. 8, 2010.

5. Beyond Foursquare: The next generation of customer loyalty. FINALLY someone else talking about how location-based applications can change customer loyalty by allowing discounts and specials directed at individuals. I really believe data gathering of those who “check-in” will allow businesses to individualize a customer’s experience every day.

4. Seven ways to lead without uttering a single word. We always talk about leaders from the perspective of executives and, unfortunately, this article from Terry Starbucker is no different. BUT I think his tips are valuable for any leader within the organization. I’m a big believer in mentoring and coaching leaders at all levels and these tips work well for all of them.

3. Become reenergized at work. While this BusinessWeek article is written for business owners, it’s applicable to everyone. There are five tips for recharging your batteries, taking a vacation, and renewing your passion for your job (or business). I’m on vacation week after next so I’ll let you know how these tips work out!

2. Chipotle: Rise of a fast-food empire. I actually am not a Chipotle fan, but Mr. D would eat there every day, if he could. What I am a fan of is how quickly they’ve grown and how they maintain integrity to their core values. In this Forbes article, Steve Ells talks about not only how he got his start, but his three secrets to success, which are applicable if you’re a business owner or a new college graduate (and everything in between).

1. Why the revolution will not be tweeted. If you don’t already consume everything Malcolm Gladwell writes, start now. He has a way of telling  a story that very few people have. In this article, he makes the argument that today’s social activism, flanked by Facebook and Twitter, is reliant on weak ties and no real loyalty. While I don’t fully agree with his premise, it’s an interesting and very thoughtful read. Thanks to Mark Schaefer for bringing this New Yorker article to my attention.

And one little self-serving read…our Social Media Primer eBook. It’s pretty, it’s full of tips on how to measure and how much time to spend, and it’s only $9.99!

Have a great weekend!

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with USC Annenberg PRA. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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