Happy Labor Day weekend! When we were kids my dad told us that Labor Day was for work and we’d end up helping in the yard…tilling the garden, mowing the lawn, washing the car, or (sometimes) big projects like laying new concrete. Not our idea of fun.
I hope you’re getting off work early today to enjoy your long weekend without working. We close the office at 1:00, which means Pete The Tapeworm and I will be leaving as soon as we accomplish three more things (not including this post) and attend to only three things for three days: Ride, eat, and sleep.
Following are the top five stories for week ending September 3, 2010.
5. Seven Ways to Measure Your Social Media ROI. One of my most favorite reporters, Steve Strauss, has a great post on Open Forum this week about measuring your social media efforts. If you look at the fourth tip, you’ll see an unnamed source who looks familiar.
4. Why Most Authors Should Not Emulate Seth Godin. Michael Hyatt wrote a great post on Seth Godin’s decision to move on from traditional publishing. What he says about this working for Seth and not for the rest of us is right…on…point.
3. The Difference Between Flacks and Spin Doctors. Last week, PRWeek (subscription required) wrote an editorial about the New York Times claiming the failures of big companies of late (BP, Toyota, and Goldman-Sachs) are due to its PR professionals. Todd Defren writes a great post, agreeing with PRWeek, and refuting the attitude of mainstream media against our industry.
2.We’ve Come a LONG Way In Advertising. Holy schnikey! Justin Brackett sent me this blog post and it is worth the read (don’t worry when you see the length – it’s mostly pictures). Les Kollegian, the CEO at San Diego-based Jacob Tyler, shows ads from the 50s and 60s. You will be astonished!
1. How to Unwind On Your Time Off. My favorite time management ninja, Craig Jarrow, provides tips for unwinding during your three day weekend so you’re refreshed and ready to conquer the world by Tuesday. I’m going to take ALL of his advice. What about you??
Have a happy holiday weekend!