For years there have been reports that coffee is unhealthy. I admit that I enjoy my daily cup of coffee (OK maybe two or three cups). I have always wondered how something that tastes so good can be unhealthy. I was pleased to hear on the morning news studies show coffee could lower your risk of diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and colon cancer to name a few of the health benefits of my morning cup of JOE!
The Webb MD article reports coffee can also lift your mood, treat headaches and lower the risk of cavities.
I can finally enjoy my morning coffee without guilt. I am surprised the coffee companies aren’t shouting this from the rooftops. I searched a couple of the top coffee company Web sites and didn’t find anything about the health benefits of coffee. I wonder which coffee company will be the first to make the claim coffee is indeed healthy. I think I’ll ponder that over a nice cup of healthy coffee!