Will Smith’s new movie, Hancock, was a box office hit this past Fourth of July weekend. As a badass superhero with an even bad-er attitude, Hancock works with a public relations practitioner, played by Jason Bateman, to help with an image-makeover.


 Based off the information I’ve gathered from the movie trailers and reviews, while Hancock is a little rough around the edges, he has good attributes and, when pointed in the right direction, can really help society. That’s where his public relations practitioner comes in. Bateman takes an arrogant, alcoholic, street rat, changes his clothes, shaves his face, and BAM! you have a community hero.

However, beauty makeovers are not all public relations has to offer and this movie illustrates the common stereotype public relations practitioners deal with every day. The underlying service Bateman provides throughout the movie is not a makeover, it’s communication. Hancock’s inability to communicate with the public prevents them from seeing his potential and the benefits he can bring to the community. With Bateman’s help, Hancock was given a voice—a luxury that public relations practitioners work to provide for their clients every day. Perhaps with the help of more public relations practitioners, we can all learn to see people for their true potential and benefit to society.

Christine has not seen Hancock yet, but hopes to watch it at the drive-in theatre on Friday.