It’s been a month that I’ve been a member of Triberr. I’ve had lots of direct messages, emails, and Facebook messages asking what the heck it is and how I like it.

So I’m here to tell you.

For those of you who don’t know, or haven’t seen the shorted tribr link, Triberr is a way for you to retweet the work of bloggers you know and trust. According to Dino Dogan and Dan Cristo, the founders, “every time you publish a new post, everyone in your tribe will tweet it to their followers. And you do the same for everyone in your tribe.”

I’ll be honest. It felt really icky to me at first. I was automatically tweeting blog posts that I hadn’t yet read. Granted, the tweets were of people I already read and typically RT anyway, but I still hated seeing that in my stream without having read the post.

But Dino and Dan listened to their tribes and made some changes. Now the blog posts are stored in your cue and you can schedule it or delete it before it hits your stream. I like this A LOT better because that gives me time to read WTH I’m tweeting. It feels less like I don’t know what’s going on and more like I’m scheduling those tweets, just like I’ve done since I started on Twitter.

But you know what I like best about it? The stats!

Of course, you’ll say, you love stats, Gini.

It’s no secret that our goal is to drive highly engaged traffic. And lots of it. Triberr helps us do that. Extremely well.

For instance, when I compare Spin Sucks analytics from March 8-April 7 and January 8-February 7 (I didn’t compare to February because it was a short month and not a fair comparison), I found:

  • Traffic is up 59 percent
  • Pageviews are up 140 percent
  • Pages per visit are up 51 percent
  • Bounce rate is down 51 percent
  • Average time on site is up 24 percent
  • New visits are up three percent
  • Twitter referrals are up 155 percent

My own Twitter followers have increased by five percent, but I don’t think that’s Triberr because that number is consistent with the organic growth I’ve had month-by-month without the service.

Just like Livefyre, I’d like to take some credit for the content and the community, but Triberr has helped us significantly increase our goals. What I’m going to track is what happens during the next month as more people are introduced, and form an either love or hate opinion, to Triberr. That will help me completely determine if this tribal automation tool is useful or not.

But I do know I’m going to begin building my own tribes now. If one of your goals is to increase traffic and pageviews, I think it’s worth it!

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with USC Annenberg PRA. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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