I have something new for you to try!

It’s way cool and I think you’ll like it.

By way of background, I get asked to review a lot of products, books, and services. But I rarely post reviews on Spin Sucks, which goes to show you how very little I’m impressed.

But when Jodi Echakowitz asked me to check out Squeeze, I promised her I would, but that I would only do a review if I love it.

And love it I do. Very, very much.

What is Squeeze?

Squeeze is a Sequentia product and the way they describe it is as:

A new content marketing measurement platform designed to help marketers make better decisions, optimize their budgets, and deliver greater results.

I know, I know. It doesn’t tell you much. Another marketing measurement platform? Oh brother.

I wouldn’t call it a measurement platform, from a dollars and cents/ROI perspective.

But, boy oh boy, is it cool!

How Does it Work?

You can squeeze links for any of your content, as well as forms.

Let’s say you have a white paper download area on yours or a client’s website and you are sending out a new newsletter this month.

You take the URL to that specific download form, paste it into Squeeze, squeeze it, and get a script that you then add to your content management system.

Then, when you share the form in your newsletter via email or the social networks, it tallies where your visitors are coming from in very pretty graphs.

As well, if you have content you want to squeeze (I’ve been doing our blog posts once a day on there for a week), it tells you which content and which network are most popular, what time of day works best for you, and which days of the week.

It’s not an aggregation of content across the web. It’s specific to what you’re creating and distributing.

Spin Sucks Stats

I had some pretty big surprises, when it came to what Squeeze showed me.

If you asked me, based on Google analytics alone, which days of the week and times are most popular for our content, I would have said Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 7 a.m.-9 a.m. CT and from 9 p.m.-11 p.m. CT.

And that is true, when you combine search and direct traffic.

But, for the social networks alone, it’s not the case at all.

Take a look:

In the past week, we’ve had 715 actions on the social networks and (no surprise) Twitter is the biggest driver of traffic.

As well, the blog post I wrote on Monday about whether or not you should link to your inspiration sources is the top content for the past week.

But what was shocking to me is Gin and Topics is the second most popular. Before this, I would have told you it was near the bottom, based solely on comments and social shares directly from the post.

It also shows you performance by time of day (which is different than what I show in our analytics)…

…and it shows me performance by day. It’s shocking that Fridays are our biggest day because it definitely does not align with our analytics.

By no means does this replace your analytics nor does it help you measure results, in a business sense. But it does help you understand how your content works on the social web and it’s very, very informative.

How Do I Get this Uber Cool Tool for Myself?

As it turns out, you’re in luck.

Squeeze is still in beta, so all you need to do is go to their home page and click the red “request an invite” button.

According to Jen Evans, their CEO, it takes about 48 hours to get approved and receive your login information. In other words, be patient!

And lots of new stuff is coming by year’s end, including:

  • A way to schedule your updates as they integrate with Buffer by the end of this month;
  • A small business edition;
  • An agency edition so you can manage multiple platforms; and
  • An enterprise edition.

Right now it’s the low, low cost of free so hurry up and get over there to try it out. After you have 30 days of data in there, you’ll have to upgrade.

So take advantage now. I promise you, you’ll really love it.

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in collaboration with USC Annenberg. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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