One of my very favorite bloggers is Dino Dogan. He’s extremely irreverent and very, very witty.

I’ve known him only for a couple of months; learning about him when he wrote, “Social Media Examiner Finalists Reviewed: Find Out Which Ones Suck and Which Ones Are Good.” You know anything with the word “sucks” in it is going to attract me. Thankfully we weren’t one that sucked, but even if we had, the way he handles his criticism is an art.

His main blog, DIY Blogger Net, is full of non-echo chamber advice and opinion, tips and tools, and videos on developing your digital footprint, creating content, and “dominating” your space.

I say his main blog because he also writes 2WheelTips (about biking – motorcycles, not my kind of biking) and Dogan Dogs. I haven’t quite figured out what the latter blog is about (other than dogs) because it’s a lot of hilarity that sometimes have nothing to do with dogs.

He has a lot of really good freebies on his site, including three eBooks, on his blog. You can subscribe there to get updates when he writes new books (which, BTW, is a service he offers). He lives what he preaches, with consistent blogging, videos, audio, and books.

He also just founded Triberr. I haven’t had enough time to play around with it yet, but it seems to be a way to let your online friends know about your new blog posts without the annoying “please RT this” DMs you get from some. If you’re interested in Triberr, let me know. I think I have a few invites.

So follow Dino on Twitter, read and subscribe to his blogs (whichever one fits your fancy), and start chatting with him. He’s always worth some intelligence and a good laugh!

When you head over to his blog (DIY Blogger Net) to check him out, make sure you look at his comment policy. I love it!

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO ModelĀ© and has crafted a certification for it in collaboration with USC Annenberg. She has run and grown an agency for the past 19 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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