Gin and Topics: Self-Deprecating Workout and Twins Sing “Let it Go”
Gin and Topics: One Degree from Kevin Bacon, President Obama, and Thor
Gin and Topics: I Love Jesus, but I Like to Drink a Little
Gin and Topics: Howling Puppy and Xmas Jammies
The #FollowFriday Recommendations of 2013
Gin and Topics: Holiday Songs and Dogs in Boots
Gin and Topics: Sad Clown and Wicked Dance Moves
Gin and Topics: An Interpretive Dance and Prancercise (Again)
Gin and Topics: Gorillas, Frogs, and Conan. Oh MY!
The #FollowFriday Recommendations for 2013 (So Far)
#FollowFriday: Susan Cellura
Gin and Topics: Of Cats, Dogs, and Logos Gone Wild