The Ultimate Guide to the PESO Model©

To fast-track your learning and implement the PESO Model©, check out the Certification offered by Spin Sucks and the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communication.


PESO Model™ Full Graphic 4C


Using the PESO Model© 

The PESO Model and its graphic are available for use under Creative Commons. They are copyrighted and trademarked by Gini Dietrich and Spin Sucks.

If you use it in your work, present it in any form (externally or internally), or publish it anywhere, you must use the trademark symbol and credit Spin Sucks with a link either to the home page or to your favorite PESO Model piece of content.

For example: The PESO Model© was created by Spin Sucks or PESO Model© use obtained by Spin Sucks

What Is the PESO Model©?

The PESO Model was created by Gini Dietrich in 2009 for use in her agency to help achieve measurable results for clients. After testing it for a few years and working with different types of organizations in myriad industries, it was launched to the world via Spin Sucks, the book, in 2014.

It integrates the four media types—paid, earned, shared, and owned—into a program that builds brand awareness, reputation, credibility, and, most importantly, results for the organization.

When it’s implemented correctly, it showcases experience, expertise, trust, and authority for the organization and its people.

Following is everything you ever needed to know about how it works, how to implement it, how to measure it, and how to become certified in it.